Troll, a powerful and modern tool
- A kernel with all objects: TROLL offers the entire set of objects needed to enable the development and fine-tuning of econometric and modelling applications.
- A sophisticated modelling language: TROLL uses a powerful modelling language that is designed for large systems.
- State-of-the-art simulation techniques: TROLL offers state-of-the-art techniques for model simulation and analysis.
- A complete programming language:The TROLL Programming Language (TPL) is complete enough to allow development of applications of any size.
- A generalised database interface: The TROLL database interface is standardised.
- Tools for reporting and graphs: TROLL hosts its own library for tables and graphs display.TROLL hosts its own library for tables and graphs display.
TROLL is fully portable on most PC and UNIX environments:
- All MS-WINDOWS versions beyond NT;