We offer training and competence development services on the topics of our expertise. HENDYPLAN can make available an outstanding pool of trainers and facilitators because of our networking.
Along with project implementation we have observed that an extraordinary know-how on methodologies, methods, practises and tools is generated and we consider that this is a valuable resource.
Our vision is to be a centre of excellence in which we share expertise and experience through an extensive array of training and implementation programs.
HENDYPLAN can make available an outstanding pool oftrainers and facilitators because of our networking. We provide onsite courses, tailor made packages and e-learning solutions for your organization’s specific needs. Our key assets are:
- Expert teaching: the training activity is a natural derivation from our approach: for each project we construct a new group and the interaction of teams and experts produce a valuable know-how. In fact, our experts design and deliver training courses on the topics on which they have specialist skills, experience and knowledge gained from working in research institutions, academia or public and private organizations.
- Holistic approach: We focus on a limited range of topics, but for each of them our courses provide the opportunity to get global insight of state-of-art methods and methodologies directly from world leading researchers and are a learning opportunity on the most modern technology applications and tools that affect clients work. Our courses put into operation an approach that will provide a theoretical background and contextual applications, by taking special care not to reduce courses to a numerical work or “cookbook courses”
- Customized coaching: we inquire about clients needs, establishing a close connection between the specific topic of intervention and the strategic goals of the client’s organisation. Our courses explore and create meaningful new solutions through constructive and collaborative dialogues with our clients. Attendees receive high-quality training and are made able to take the knowledge gained beyond the classroom into everyday work situations.
We offer training on a range of statistical and econometric topics, including specific knowledge learning on sophisticated techniques and their application to clients’ requirements; as well we offer advanced training in specialized IT applications, such as TROLL, FAME, SAS.
- Experience
All our trainers have a well-established educational experience, in particular for adult training
- Customization
Each course is especially designed for your needs and adapted to your working environment
- Partnership
We work with our clients to identify knowledge gaps and training needs, and we ensure support
- Expertise
We offer training from world leading scientists on each specific topic